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The sad thing is the majority of people have no clue about what they truly want. They have no clarity. When asked the question, responses will be superficial at best.
And it’s not just parents that are the cause – teachers, friends, clergy members
It is truly amazing the damage that we, as parents, can inflict on our children.
The old expression is absolutely true – whether you think you can or you can’t
We all carry a lot of baggage, thanks to our upbringing. The majority of people
HOw to start with your project?
So how do we get clarity? Simply by asking ourselves lots of questions: What do I really want? What does success look like to me? Why do I want a particular thing?
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I coach my clients to practice the 3 D’s – Defer, Delegate or Delete. Can the particular activity be done later? Defer it! Can it be done by someone else? Delegate it! Does it need.
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Along with your plans, you should consider developing an action orientation that will keep you motivated to move forward at all times.
The best way is to develop and follow a plan. Start with your goals.
What we do for your make project?
Focus is having the unwavering attention to complete what you set out to do. There are a million distractions in every facet of our lives
Once you have a clear understanding of what you want, it is critical that you engage in goal setting – specifically setting SMART goals.
So how do we get clarity? Simply by asking ourselves lots of questions: What do I really want? What does success look like to me? Why do I want a particular thing? How will this achievement change my life? How can I use this success to make a difference for others?
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Trying to go through life without clarity is similar to sailing a rudder-less ship – no good thing can or will happen!
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The sad thing is the majority of people have no clue about what they truly want. They have no clarity. When asked the question, responses will be superficial at best, and at worst.